mercredi 30 mai 2012

Aujourd'hui, Hier et Avant...

Petit Format pour commencer...



passage du croquis à la peinture...
Peut être un jour prochain...


Et, il y a quelques temps déjà,
Quand le papier et les pigments à l'huile se sont rencontrés...

vendredi 25 mai 2012

mardi 22 mai 2012


Quelques jours passés à Londres...
Une magnifique exposition Turner à la
National Gallery.

Mais pas de possibilité de prendre des photos.

Une visite à la Tate Gallery.

et là je peux prendre des photos...

Turner à nouveau.

et bien sûr il n'y a pas eu que la visite des musées...

(Westminster vu du london Eye)


Chez Madame Tussauds

et Harry Potter...

 Séjour un peu trop court...
Il y a tant de lieux à voir...

et maintenant retour à l'atelier 
avec des idées plein la tête ...

mardi 15 mai 2012

Un dessin et quelques nouvelles

Peut être Cendrillon???


Un Bel Accueil 
de Imagine Gallery :


Imagine is set in the Suffolk village of Long Melford.
This is an attempt to record the daily trials, tribulation and pleasure of running an art gallery.

It would be nice to say that "things are back to normal",

that wouldn't be true as we have much to get finished before we hold a "Grand Opening".

But at least now that the doors are open it has allowed a small opportunity to catch up on with many neglected things. One of these has been showing the new and varied pieces of art that have been arriving.
Many times I have had the thought "I must show this on the blog", but time and many jobs hasn't allowed that to happen, but the thoughts have still been there in my mind.
In particular there has been one artist whose work I have really wanted to share,
an artist from France, her name is
Anne Bachelier.
A name almost as romantic and mysterious as her paintings.
Anne is a very well known and is collected worldwide, amongst her many achievements there is one that had really excited me.
She has illustrated an edition of Lewis Carroll's
'Alice in Wonderland'.
It is not hard to understand how such a marriage came about as with all of her paintings,
each individual piece is a story by itself, and her illustrated version of the book truly is a work of art.

I can't tell you just how happy I am to have her paintings to exhibit, I never dared to hope or expected to be able to persuade Anne to let us show her work and I truly thought that it was something that wouldn't happen, especially taking into account that each of us can hardly speak the others language.
So, maybe it was just meant to be.

Luckily her paintings don't need any interpretation, and I think to try and give one would be a shame
as each holds a story from our own imagination. 


... un rendez vous pour l'automne:



(Réservez cette date: le 8 novembre)

"13 +1 by Edgar Allan Poe"

 dans quelques jours:
la réédition de 

vendredi 11 mai 2012


 Dans l'Atelier  ce soir...

avec quelques détails de ce qui se dessine pour un peu plus tard...

mercredi 2 mai 2012

comme un lundi...

Lendemain du mardi premier Mai, 
et j'ai le sentiment d'être Lundi...
étrange ...

Prêtes à franchir l'Atlantique, toutes les peintures  pour le livre 
(une sélection des oeuvres d'E.A.Poe)
attendent d'être mises en boîte!
